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View Full Version : How to smash your thumb (post your thumb smashing stories)

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06-30-2004, 10:28 PM
I was doing some demo work a long time ago for a expansion at 3M and i had a 300 lb piece of conrete fall and I was on a manlift...I moved my arms in quickly to dodge the piece and the damn thing bounced of my thumb

I slammed my thumb in a car door

I slammed my thumb under a jeep hood

I had a 401 roll over onto my thumb

Ive hit my thumb numerous times with a hammer by accident

I did a drive by high five and dislocated my thumb

I am constantly dropping things on my thumb

I have had my thumb pinned between a tire and a rock

I think thats pretty much it

07-01-2004, 06:00 AM
Just 'thumbing' around the board and found this thread :?:

That's some pretty 'thumb' stuff there MC :shock: Guess you don't thumb your nose at too many people do you? (or was that the instance of the rock and a hard spot? 8) )

Guess if your 'thumb' enough to keep putting it in harms way, you could always cut it off to spite your hand :shock: :?

opposing thumbs are what makes us human #-o

07-01-2004, 06:34 AM
My only real thumb smashing experience was More my hand I guess. At the base of my thumb near my wrist.

Me and 1 other guy were building a platform for a small bridge in a shop starting at each end nailing the blanks on working towards the center. Then all of a sudden in mid swing he got up and bumped the platform just enough to move it and I blasted the edge of my hand hard enough with the blunt end of the hammer that I just watch my skin blow apart . I did not think it was possible at the time so I did not think anything of it and continued working, just did not look at my hand until there was a big puddle of blood under my work area.

The only other thumb experience I was cutting something with a razor blade, slipped and cut the tip straight down into my Finger nail and just about to the bone.

other fingers are crooked and scared from breaking and abusing as well

07-01-2004, 08:28 AM
Hey Pyagid

Cripple Hi-five

:?: :?: :?:

07-01-2004, 09:05 AM
I smashed my thumb when I ran my first finger though a chain and sprocket the Dr.cut the end of the finger off the thumb just has a deformed nail. I tell kid I was picking my nose and a bugger bit it off.


07-01-2004, 09:21 AM
When I was in high school I got my thumb smashed between two football helmets. I thought it was ok #-o , and didn't pay too much attention to it after the pain went away. About 3 days later it started turning green. Went to the doctor it was severly infected. They lanced it and puss jumped out. It smelled so bad it made my Mother leave the room (just talk of it makes her weak in the knees now ). The bone in the tip had been crushed and caused the infection to set in. They saved my thumb but it is a little flatter than the other now.

07-01-2004, 09:34 AM

Mudrat had a boil on his neck once..cleared out a whole jeep event with the smell....If I remember right :mrgreen: =D>

07-01-2004, 11:46 AM

Mudrat had a boil on his neck once..cleared out a whole jeep event with the smell....If I remember right :mrgreen: =D>

Man you have a sensative stomach - so it started to ooze a little - didn't think it was that bad :oops: But the FSJ Invasion in an open air 2-3 acre field with a breeze shoulda kept the fumes to a minimum. Be thankful it didn't happen in the tent!!!! :shock:

Mudrat #-o

07-01-2004, 12:19 PM
:mrgreen: =D> :!: yeah me 2 pal...although I would have snored right through it

07-01-2004, 12:20 PM
:mrgreen: =D> :!: yeah me 2 pal...although I would have snored right through it

rollen dean montoya
07-01-2004, 03:28 PM
shot my thumb with a g-6 rivet gun at work. it hurt!

80 J-10
07-01-2004, 08:14 PM
How about trying to be a nice guy.................I had to dump a little of the road base material out of a dump truck on a job that I was on about a year ago, had a little more rock on the asphalt shoot (for those guys that dont know what I am talking about, it is a flat piece of metal coming off of the dump bed, on the outside) then I felt safe with going down the road with,so I thought I would be a nice guy and scrap off the excess. Well I saw a rock wedged between the tail gate and the body, so I reached up and grabbed the tailgate and started to pull it, when my hand slipped into the locking mechanism,jamming my thumb between the lock hook and the pin. This was a manual lock, so I had to unlock it myself to get my thumb out, needless to say my thumb nail still isn't right, but you want to talk about pain. :!: :mrgreen:

07-13-2004, 06:19 PM
When I was in construction, I was building a wall with a spike gun and got too close the the edge of the 2X4. It went clean through the wood and half way through my thumb. I walked over to the job boss and stuck my thumb up and said that I think I needed medical attention. He freaked and had this other guy drive me to the hospital. He was also freaking(it was numb and didn't bother me any)and driving like a lunatic. We stopped at a stop sign and I told him I was going to pull it out myself so the doctors didn't hack my thumb up. I thought he was going to puke when I jerked that thing out in his car!!! :mrgreen:

07-13-2004, 07:16 PM
Endorphins - natures pain killer :t:


07-13-2004, 07:21 PM
I don't know about that,but when I pulled that 6 inch spike out of my thumb it started spewing blood like crazy and all he could say was "Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God". I thought about smacking him but I was afraid he would cry.

07-13-2004, 07:30 PM
Hehehehehehe I know guys like that too.
My kids get .. ah ... upset? when I debride and just use butterflies to close cuts that should have stitches. Not theirs, mine :shock: The exception was when I split my head open standing up under my swing out tire carrer, my son sat on my lap and laft at the jokes the tech was making as he shaved and scrubbed the gash. 8) kids :?


07-13-2004, 07:51 PM
My wife used to not do so well at the sight of blood and cuts and holes and all the other things I have done to myself,but after 17 years she can slap a butterfly on even the nastiest of the wounds I seem to inflict upon myself. Most of which occur messing with a vehicle of some sort.
She really didn't like the time my friend dropped a big ass 70 something Chrysler on me. I was underneath and he accidentally kicked the jack handle and it turned enough to let it down. I thought I was done for that time!! :shock:

07-25-2005, 06:11 PM
Well heres a couple for ya..
Me .. I was putting the motor mounts on a small block chev 3 bolts with a 3/8s butterfly (air impact) got bolts started then had my stupid hand behind the plate "between the plate and block" managed to get not just one bolt snugged down but had actually started buzzing in the second whne the waves of pain raised my IQ alot.. then I had to try to switch directions on the impact before the top of my head exploded.

second event.. was loading oilfield pipe in Houston, watching another guy load and he was trying to use a "Boomer" style chain binder but he had about 4 links too much "bite" and was trying to STRETCH the 5/16's chain using not one 4' winch bar but 2 of them stuck end to end 8'!! Now I like a good dumbass lesson as much as the next guy but I figured this was going to be an OSHA reportable death on a job site. But before I could get over there the Bar slipped off the binder and sent Hercules ass over teakettle with a mighty wack to the chest ( handle of the binder physically flipped him up in the air) when he hit the ground he wasone hurting pup..

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