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View Full Version : More Scarry Kerry

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08-27-2004, 09:49 AM
It seems there is more to this guy than we thought. We know he's made a stand on his military record - even though his OWN PEOPLE (http://swift1.he.net/~swiftvet/article.php?story=20040824130358175)are now back peddling on at least 1 of not 2 of the purple hearts.

And it's a matter of congressional records that he has missed 75% of the congressional votes - most for unexplained reasons.

But this video (http://www.scaryjohnkerry.com/taxes.htm) provides another reason he is "Unfit for COmmand". (http://www.swiftvets.com/)


08-27-2004, 11:14 AM
"Unfit For Command" is one great book! I would encourage everybody to read it. The mere fact that this guy is running for president scares the hell out of me!

Just my two-cent's worth!

08-28-2004, 09:22 PM
"Unfit For Command" is one great book! I would encourage everybody to read it. The mere fact that this guy is running for president scares the hell out of me!

Just my two-cent's worth!

Totally agree. You may not like Bush, whatever, but sometimes you need to choose the lesser of two evils. Has Kerry ever made a statement about anything that he hasn't gone back on? Too tired to continue this thought, I don't think Kerry even knows who he is or what he stands for.

rollen dean montoya
08-28-2004, 11:26 PM
kerry is unfit for command!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-29-2004, 10:24 AM
Do we want this in the White House?


08-29-2004, 08:59 PM

This guy is running for President of your country? Yeah, I'd feel confident lol ...
Do you all vote soon?? I'm tired of the Presidency crap on tv!

08-29-2004, 09:11 PM
This guy is running for President of your country? Yeah, I'd feel confident lol ...
Do you all vote soon?? I'm tired of the Presidency crap on tv!
Unfortunately no, November 4th is the day we re-elect Dubya :?
But today we need to vote for Bulltear - I think there is a scam running. I know I hve voted more than 3 times since they reset the numbers, and from what I've read in the other thread, at least 4 others have voted too, but the numbers aren't adding up. :(: We're 31 with 4 votes - something is VERY WRONG here!!!


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