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View Full Version : I will miss you old buddy

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01-05-2005, 08:38 PM
You were my rusty buddy, you took me fishing, you busted my knuckles, and remember when I almost sh#t myself cause you broke a bearing retainer and your rear shaft wobbled out at 60 mph? I will miss grinding the rust off you and spraying on cheap flat black paint. I will also miss your popping 6 cylinder and although it let me down and sounded like a WW2 bomber with that strait pipe we both knew you were too cool for the cops to pull over. Even though you two broke up that grass skirt hula girl on your dashboard will stay with you forever. Remember when I sanded down the letters "Jeep" on your tailgate and painted them with that chameleon do it your self paint kit and all my buddy's laughed at the purple to green shade...I still thought you were cool. I will even miss your weak brakes and inconsistant grinding. And althoug all the ujoints in your whole chassis were completely worn, we never broke any. I knew you liked it when I used the wooden stick to check your gas level (you little devil) and I am sorry for not changing your oil for 3000 miles past. Looking back I would have never put those engine blocks in the back without tieing them down first. And I am sorry for breaking that front hub with my slippery clutch foot. I never meant to start your interior on fire with that cigar or put it out with dr.pepper.

R.I.P. 1983 J10 golden eagle Jeep picktruck :sa:

01-05-2005, 08:45 PM
:smile: :smile:

01-06-2005, 04:18 AM

01-06-2005, 09:14 AM
I hear taps playing in the background.....

01-06-2005, 01:08 PM
hit this topic on ifsja :smile:

01-19-2005, 05:31 PM
Jeeps never die, they just get reborn,

Mudrat :sa:

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