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01-28-2005, 12:13 PM
Well here goes.

The Javelin runs fine and starts right up. But after driving for abit of time, when you shut it off and try to restart it, no go. It turns over, just keeps trying. The starter, alternator, battery, and solenoid are all new. The alternator light stays on no matter what.(unless I unhook the battery) Ive tried everything. anyone got some help

01-31-2005, 11:13 PM
Sounds like it's loading up.

02-02-2005, 07:31 AM
loading up? whats a solution to that problem?

02-03-2005, 07:17 AM
Usually it's the throttle plates not closing all the way, letting gas bleed into the intake when the engine is shut off. Also causes dieseling. Your distributor may be too retarted(not enough advance before tdc), requireing a more throttle opening to idle. Advance(further before tdc) your timing as much as you can without pinging. Go to a one step colder plug.

02-13-2005, 04:10 AM
Had a similar problem in my CJ5 with a 304 and Edelbrock top end. When I shut it off, the gas would boil out of the carb. If I let it sit for a couple of minutes it would take a few turns to restart. It always fired correctly when it cooled off. I swapped out the stock fuel pump with an electric one and made a block off plate for the block. This cured everything. The float bowl fills when the key is turned on and it does not require turning it over to pump the fuel back in. There are also a number of insulated spacers available for carbs to combat this issue, assuming yours is the same as mine was.

03-15-2005, 08:36 AM
ok, starter is new, alt is new, solenoid is new, volt regulator is new. got a wiring diagram, wiring now correct. battery reads abit over 13 volts cold. crank the car, no change. rev it, no charging going on. any ideas on whats going on? could it be as simple as a bad battery?

ol' school power
03-23-2005, 06:08 PM
If the battery can hold enough power to start the car, then it should be able to accept a charge.

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