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View Full Version : LAPPING AMC Oil Pump Gears - How & What ?

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07-03-2006, 02:19 PM
I've seen LAPPED Oil Pump Gear Sets for sale.
May I ask what is lapped on them and can one do it themself ?
I can see how the bottom face of the Gears that rides on the aluminum cover plate could be lapped so they are really nice and smooth when they are against the aluminum cover plate, but is there some other area that is also lapped ? like the faces of the gears where the mesh with one another ? or the outer tips of the gears which always seem to be awfully rough in my opinion, even though they don't actually touch the housing walls. Or is it maybe that one takes and old housing and spins the gears in it with a drill or something while lapping compound is on the gears to lap the gearts to one another ??? Just curious. Thanks (:->)

07-03-2006, 05:29 PM
You can do alot of it yourself. You should start with a guaranteed flat stone...hard stone not a soft one. Swipe the edges around the gears and flatten the faces in a swirling motion. Becasue the center of the gear is last to cool it sticks out a little further than the edges...we are talking on the long side of the face. Take most of the meat down to allow a non curved surface along the convolute of the gear (gear face). Make sure all the knicks are out of the gear and check the edges for burrs. You should also de-burr the slot in the shaft as they almost always contain some type of burr and like to put a nice gouge in your timing cover hole.

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