View Full Version : just when i thought we were over having to change diapers

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rollen dean montoya
02-20-2007, 09:28 PM
well this friday sam and i are going to las vegas to pick up her nephew. her sister had this little one while on cocaine.
his name is jean paul(john paul to us americans)trust me sam
is having the spelling changed to reflect this.the mother will be serving 15 years for violating her parole(the drugs) and the D.A. added agravated assault (the baby was born addicted to
cocaine)to the list. nevada stripped the mother of all rights
to him! so MC i need some bulltear stickers to plaster all over his crib and his 1st jeep, stroller, dresser,and his diaper bag.
later, rollen :lo1l: :razz: :razz:

02-20-2007, 10:09 PM
Take good care of that little boy Rollen :oops:

rollen dean montoya
02-20-2007, 11:33 PM
we will. just send the stickers :mrgreen:

02-21-2007, 08:20 AM
If you don't adopt him, he be taken away from you when she gets out. All your time expences and love, she will take from you.

rollen dean montoya
02-21-2007, 06:50 PM
actually this cannot happen. the mother was stripped of all rights to the baby. his 17 year old brother lives 1 mile from us
at sams moms house and the mother has only seen him 2x in 17
years. nevada is the one that took the baby and is the one that put her back in the big house for at least 15 years.john paul will not see this bitch ever!besides we can still shoot
trespassers here :lo1l: :mrgreen: and the remmy is ready!!!!!
now mc about those stickers :mrgreen: :-|

02-21-2007, 11:45 PM
Need any help while in Vegas, give me a holler.

02-22-2007, 06:44 AM
I've worked with "at risk" children for 12 years now and will say you are a saint for doing this.
to many familys will walk away and the child never heals from that.
you are on a long hard road now but well worth the end of the journey.
bless you for looking out for this little one.
and remember the baby will get past most of the addection, some damage will never be undone though, sorry to have to say that . I have seen enough cases of fetal/infant addection to know they can grow up and suceed in life if givin a chance like you are giving this little one. some things will be far different than anything you are used to with your little ones due to the drug addection/damage.
you will know more what to expect, as development progresses.
at least this little one is an infant and has not been further damaged by poor parenting post birth.
Glad to know there are still some out there that care.
after all these years in this busness I have become quite diheartened by the bad side of this coin.
Matt A.

02-22-2007, 03:04 PM
My dad and step mom just took custody of 3 of her granddaughters, ages 10/12/14, while their mother (my stepsister) spends some time in rehab and jail on drug related charges.

My dad will turn 71 in a couple of months. He hasn't had any kids in the house in over 20 years.


rollen dean montoya
02-22-2007, 03:49 PM
thanks for the help. this is a new experience for the 2 of us.
i know we will have some rough spots but i know we can get thru it. my parents have helped raise a neighborhood.
besides my mom is still raising my dad who is 70+!!i will
forward pix to mudrat so he can put them up here.

later, rollen and samantha :t:

02-22-2007, 05:54 PM
Man Rollen, that is really admirable of you guys, especially considering all that you all have been through in the last couple of years! If there is anything I can do to help - let me know! By the way, email me your address - I have a sticker or two for ya that I still owe you!

rollen dean montoya
02-22-2007, 07:22 PM
its on the way thanx jack
later rollen

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