View Full Version : The AMC gods do care

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05-07-2008, 06:10 PM
On monday cinco de mayo my gf locked up the engine on my wagoneer. Got around to looking at it today and found out that she killed starter number three. At least the engines still good
a starter is a crap-load cheaper. Now for the questions.
Is there more than one starter for the 83 jeep 360?
How much would a damn good starter cost me?
Does anyone make a high torque one?
And how can i keep it from overheating/dying again?
There isnt any type of heat shield between the satrter and the exhaust at all on mine.

05-07-2008, 07:44 PM
I forget the magazine, but it was just in a recent issue. I *think* it was on the Teal Brute TJ in Petersons? They used a heat wrap on some critical parts.

That said, I have a Mean Green starter. They aren't cheap, but they'll crank over like a champ.

05-07-2008, 09:57 PM
MC has a mini starter in the store here

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