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View Full Version : My First MSD Problem!

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06-10-2008, 10:50 PM
Well, I think I might have fried my MSD box. I was dinking around with my windshield wiper motor and linkage. I didn't realize that I had left the ignition in the "on" position for quite some time.

I finally started it and it died immediately. I tried it a second time and it fired and quit immediately again. Now it won't even fire. Got gas but no fire.

Can you fry an MSD box by leaving the ignition in the "on" position without running the motor? I seem to recall reading something about that somewhere.

This box is over 10 years old, maybe it's time for a new one. Anybody?

06-11-2008, 08:51 PM
Replace the coil first. There is a test sequence on their site somewhere.

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