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View Full Version : Everyone's sheetcam working well? Any questions?

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02-12-2012, 05:54 AM
Sheetcam is a wonderful program that is very easy to use (once you know it) and is constantly updated. There is the problem. With any update some errors can/will occur. We have seen multiple updates come out per week for sheetcam. I would like to remind everyone that they are entitled to update at any time however if you download a corrupt update you may need to reinstall your stable version that came on your support disk. This replaces the corrupt version but you WILL LOOSE YOUR TOOLS.

With that being said are there any operational questions?

02-12-2012, 08:22 AM
I have learned along time ago "if it aint broke dont fix it". I havent upgraded mine because it works great for me just like it is.LOL

04-23-2012, 04:14 AM
What post processor do you use in Sheetcam setup?

04-23-2012, 04:16 AM
MP1000 like the instructional :)

04-23-2012, 04:36 AM
When you say instructional are you talking the tutorials in sheet cam or something else. I havent seen any other info on these programs that came in the stuff I got.

04-23-2012, 05:12 AM

04-23-2012, 05:52 AM
wow I have no Idea How I missed that. its even sticky. Retardation prevails again.

04-23-2012, 06:34 AM
No problem thats why we have a tech forum. Any questions please post up. :)

04-23-2012, 07:22 AM
That instructional doesnt show setting up the table so it knows what size table and work space you have. where is the best place to find that. Ive been playing with the tutorials, i always think its right but it always faults out when i try to generate g code. Ill get the fault tonight i cant remember what it was. something about my material is not at the right level for the tool.

04-23-2012, 07:59 AM
Rapid clearance plane is usually the issue. Increase it to .9 in the Options/job options category

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