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04-23-2012, 09:07 AM
Matt I remember reading or you bringing this up before, what or where should I be looking in reference to stopping my z from zeroing after every pierce?

1. Can I set it to zero after X number of pierces
2. After its moved a certain distance from its last zero?

Basically if Im cutting 1/8th or thicker I dont see it necessary to zero especially if its with in the same 1' x 1' square. from front to back now depending on the slag and build up n the slats my table was withing .040 front to back so as long as I set it fairly decent it should be good. Perhaps if somehow it recondizes internal parts and external it should zero on the first internal part until all internals and external are done, and then zero it self on the start of the next part.

Mind you some find tuning will be needed depending pn the job, and depending on where and how this would be edited, dunno if its in the post proc. or not, just that the dragonfly I cut has over 100 pierces figure each one taking 5-8 seconds to zero out adds up 8 mins, that almost accounts for half the Cycle time! I ran it in simlation and came in at 21 mins, dunno if it manages to account for the z zeroing time or not, or if it just reads the lines, guess I should use a stop watch.

Now the other day I just found out about it actually cutting 1 part out complete, before It would cut all the holes and then the perimiters even if I had multiple parts, wasnt a problem I rarely cut more then 1 - 2 parts at a time, and never bothered to look into it, but sometimes on our laser a program would run like that do all the holes then the outters, its not bad but if something goes wrong the sheet is usually junk and you dont even get a good part of it.

And then I mentioned it before, there Has to be someway to slow down the feed on arcs or radiuses on corners, Jim always talks about it on Pirate in posts corner slow down speed up on linear lines etc. Theres even a post on the sheetcam I have on my laptop in the house thats labeled

Plasma THC 300 g31 - Corner slow down

dist = 9999999
refdistance = 500 * scale
switchoffset = 0
bigarcs = 1 --stitch arc segments together
minArcSize = 0.05 --arcs smaller than this are converted to moves

slowradius = 10 * scale
slowspeed = 0.25

^ If you look it seems to be set to run corners radiuses at 25% of set speed, but I dont know if this is for any corner where two lines meet at an angle other then 180*, all I know is any part I cut regardless of what side the radius is on it always has a bevel. I can cut a 4" x 4" square with .5" radius on all 4 corners out of 1/8 3/16 1/4 and it has angles all getting bigger at the bottom, and the straight lines are straight. It has to be a problem with the the machine not slowing down when changing direction. you set a layer for holes at 20% of the called out Feed rate and it does fine, but what if you have a raidus on externals? Im pretty sure torchmate has the ability to set these paramaters. I tried setting radius to a different layer on a square but it makes it 8 cut sequences so that dont work. on Decorative artsy stuff no one could care about edge angularity but if im cutting 3/8 and thinner stuff and get good edge quality on straights ive seen people get nice corners so there has to be a way to address this.

04-23-2012, 09:39 AM
Questions 1...ref distance is in mm and is the distance in cut path between torch touch offs. I will answer the rest later.

04-23-2012, 10:07 AM
thanks yeah z ref was set to 10, everytime I read 500 I assumed thats what it was preset at, somehow I must have changed it, I knew there was no way the table traveled 19inches as it would zero 100% of the time. now!, if Someone has nested parts they could calcualate distance travled per part, although im gonna guess and think it also counts rapided distance into the equation, but I guess if parts are close and you do a rough estimate you should be golden if it raps from top to bottom to do the next row its gonna reference regardless.

now all the jobs I have need re ran through the post processor, which aint to bad .

04-23-2012, 10:34 AM
Only distance cut and not the rapid distance is counted

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