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View Full Version : 5x10 w/ Servo - Won't Ref

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01-16-2017, 10:08 AM
Hey Matt,

We still can't get the limit switches working. When we ref it just pushes past the limit switch and faults the control.

The I/O still goes High, so it see's it, it's just not doing anything about it.

Once that is fixed, the next thing that needs attn is the THC diving into the part. Seems it works some times, then not others. Could be dirty power/noise/metal or the ground clap not making good connection since it's from another plasma, figured we would use that until you ship the other one. He is getting a new service this week, and I might take my O-Scope there today.

You can email me if it's easier.

01-16-2017, 01:50 PM
Short the tip to the plate and see if the sense light is on when looking at the feather touch module. Make sure the feather touch has a green light on it.

01-16-2017, 04:10 PM
Good that we got it figured out right away!

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