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View Full Version : DTHCIV ethercut motor/tuning settings with proton z?

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05-23-2019, 02:50 AM
Hey all I have a mach3 based system with the latest ethercut software/firmware but having trouble getting the THC dialed in. I find it often oscillates up and down unless I turn the tracking to 0 set the acc really low. What settings do you guys use? Is there something obvious that I could be doing wrong?

Thanks in advance

06-10-2019, 03:51 PM
I was hoping somebody could chime in with what settings they are using? I have it setup and working ok now but I am still having problems with the torch diving on corners and sometimes at the end of the cuts. I can get around it by using path rules in SC but that sometimes does things I don't expect. From what I understand the tip saver function should prevent these issues, what should I set it at?

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