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View Full Version : Ohmic sense no longer works??

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07-29-2019, 06:39 AM
Hi all I have an issue with my 2014 starlab ethercut/mach machine in that it randomly stopped sensing the material and now just drives the torch straight down

The orange light on the feathertouch box comes on but the light on the table I/O was really dull and now does not come on at all. I have tried to hook it up to the 'B home' terminals instead and I get the led on the I/O card come on or off as the torch touches the material but I the light does not show on the diagnostic screen and it doesn't stop torch motion?

I can short the z home pins on the I/O card and I get no LED, all other inputs work fine EXCEPT they don't show in the diagnostic screen? Besides replacing the I/O card how can I get up and running again?


07-31-2019, 06:55 AM
You will need to MAP Z home to B home input

08-01-2019, 03:47 AM

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