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11-15-2003, 11:48 AM
Hopefully to reflect heat and reduce carbon build up, these valves have been polished with emory cloth, 220 grit, all the way down to 1500 grit sand paper.

The Exhausts are stainless steel, but the Intakes are not... and I can not figure out why this may be the case.

Can any of you guys give a reason, or thought as to what the I in the center of the valve is indiciative of?






11-15-2003, 12:18 PM

1. Dont polish the angle relief on the valves for sealing, leave it rough, they will form a wear pattern.
2. (I ) means intake valve, depending on the manufacturer it may be a tool number (die or casting) or letter.
3. With all that polishing, you are going to have a power increase...are you ready?

11-15-2003, 02:25 PM
WOW... that looks so good. =D> I may need to send some valves your way!! LOL

11-15-2003, 07:31 PM
OK, so can you tell me what all I should be looking at for the valve beginners and go into some detail on what all I need to do to get my valves to be up to snuff when I do my rebuild? Any and all info would be greatly appreciated! I want to maximize all the power I can from my 401, so if I can squeeze out a little HP here, then sweet!

11-17-2003, 01:42 PM
All of the pics post here, except one of the middle ones, were of exhuast valves. Which I beleive are Staninless, - they dont hold a magnet, yet the Intake valves will magnatize themselves. Go Figure.

The I that was on the Exhaust valves, obviously did not stand for Intake, but I was curious if Indy made their own valves, and if so could these possibly be Indy Valves? Upon which I was going to be very excited!

MC when you said not to polish the Vavle relief, I assume you meant the area that will be reground into the heads. This will have a 3 angle cut on them, and will be lapped into the heads. So no worries there, but even still I have not touched that area.

Am I ready for power increases......... so long as I stay under 500 I feel that I will be ok. And even at that I beleive 500 to be a REALLY high mark, one that I will be well below. As soon as I get word back from the cam maufacturer, I'd like to post the specs here, and if anyone with Desktop dyno, wouldn't mind punching in some numbers I would greatly appreciate it.


01-03-2004, 07:16 PM
wow!! super nice work!!!!! nice to see a site with hands on owners,, instead of drop it off and pick up the keys when you hand them a check

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