Hey I just finished my doors. Here is a link http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v2...rent=Power.flv
The rest of the pictures.http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v291/lost-one/Doors/
As you can see I had to do some metal work. My MIG was great for this. Plus my father has a spot welder so I could tack the part I needed to weld to in before I started.
I used POR-15 on them to keep them from rusting out. Then I shot them with the POR-15 primer then hit them with the color and 4 coats of clear. The first coat of clear went dowm bad as I had the wrong settings on the gun. But it didn't turn out to bad after all. Not bad for my first gun spray job.
I had an apoulstry(sp) shop do the boards an fix a sopt on the original covers. They then put a die on them to change them from tan to grey. I put the YJ style handle(black) on them to match my leather wrapped wheel and JC bar.