Well I finished my 401 and made one race to test and tune before the end of the season. I was really happy with it and figured with a little tweeking here and there I would be set for this summer. That was until yesterday, I heard the track I was wanting to start going to have made a new rule saying that 390 and down is a small block but a 401 is a big block and has to run in that class? I guess a 400 Chevy should also be a big block then right? Anyway I am now looking at taking the 401 out and building a 360 or 390, any ideas? I have heard that you can take a 360 and fit it with alot of different parts and build them up pretty good, I will need to pull 14 inches of vac. at 800 RPM to stay in my current class other than that and of course on nitrous and on carb. I am thinking of building the 360 because if they change the rule again next year a 390 really did not come in a CJ but a 360 did. Any Ideas?????