I think I'm gonna put a SBC in my jeep now!!!

Naw J/K. I rebuilt my '78 360 about 20,000 miles ago. I wasn't aware of all the oiling issues at the time and didn't have the internet handy to research and wouldn't have know where to look if I had. I rebuilt my engine with a a FSM and a JP issue that had an article that was doing the same. I have rebuilt numerous SBC engines, but the AMC was a first for me.

The JP article talked about priming the oil pump with vasoline, so I did and said nothing about making sure the castings around the slots and holes in the timing set were correct. IIRC all the parts of that nature were either melling or sealed power. I guess I got lucky b/c nothing has seized up yet and I havent chewd any dizzy gears. I did know to check the oil pump housing and the adaptor for wearing which had a few scapes but didn't look bad at all, but I didn't mic anything. (I did use a new oil pump kit though) I think it was sealed power.

My motor runs like a top and since the rebuild I have not had any problems. However, I have had a slow knocking sound at idle since the rebuild, but have never found any metal in the oil at changes (every 2500 miles) and has never gotten any louder or changed tune so thought it could be something as simple as the fuel pump pumping, etc. and haven't thought much about it.

The thing is, is that the engine runs as quiet as a mouse cold until the engine warms to running temp and thats when the knock starts getting noticeble. (BTW, its not a loud knock meaning I can't even hear it unless my head is very close to the engine.) Trying to diagnose the noise, I have even taken all of the belts loose and the fan, so no other noises would distract me and cranked the engine after it had been sitting all night (stone cold) and the motor did not make any sounds out of the ordinary, even with a mechanics stethoscope, not one sound until about 8-10 minutes later when it warmed up and the knock slowly became noticeable.

Also, another noise that has been brought to my attention (and louder only when engine has gotten to running temps). I noticed it when I had removed my transmission tunnel cover to change my transmission fluid and took a trip down the road. This noise is most noticeable at 2200 rpms. It starts up at around 2000-2100 and fades away around 2300 rpms. It sounds like noisy rocker arms or lifters. I don't run fram filters and I had decent oil pressure. IIRC aorund 45-55 cold and doesn't seem flutuate with rpms until it has warmed up and then I have 15-20 @ 750 rpms and around 50 driving down the road.

What got me reading into oil pumps is the fact that I have noticed sometimes that the oil pressure will increase when I let off the throttle and someone told me it was probably my relief spring and directed me to here for a high pressure spring (oil pump kit) Fuzz401 as a matter a fact. Don't get me wrong, these noises do not sound detrimental, but after reading all this info, its kinda got me worried. Honestly, I would have never had any concern until I read the info on this forum. Any advice on the noises would be great and I guess I will be buying the oil pump kit from here and seeing if that corrects any of the noises and my crazy oil pressure readings. BTW, I have a good mechanical oil gauge.

Don't know if its of any importance, but another thing is that ever since this engine has been completely rebuilt, if I crank it up when it is stone cold after sitting all night and the outside temperature is below 35 deg, the lifters clank for 2-3 seconds and quit.

I'm pretty sure none of of bearings are being chewed away or I would think I would find bearing peices in the oil when changing it. Any suggestions would be great, sorry for the long post.