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Thread: Subscriptions for Soldiers

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Subscriptions for Soldiers

    Got this in my Email from Primedia/Four Wheel and Offroad Magazine.

    I'm going to do at least one.

    Here's the text from the email. I will glad forward to everyone is interested.

    Serving America, Far From Home…

    This holiday season, many members of America's armed forces are serving around the world in places like Iraq, Afghanistan, Kuwait, and South Korea. Far from their families and friends, these dedicated men and women have limited access to the entertainment and the everyday comforts of being "back home." Here's your chance to make a difference! Show America's Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines how much you personally appreciate their service.

    Show Your Support, Give A Gift this Holiday Season...

    With the Subscriptions for Soldiers program, you can give a Gift Subscription to active duty military men and women as a "thank you" for their service. It may seem like a small thing, but for young Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines away from home this holiday, getting a free subscription to a favorite magazine is a huge boost to morale.

    Or, you can give a holiday gift subscription to a beloved veteran, patriotic family member, or a dear friend, and still support our troops.

    Your Generous Gift Also Helps Families of Fallen Service Members!

    This unique program also allows you to directly contribute to the families of our fallen heroes. For each Gift Subscription you send, Subscriptions for Soldiers will donate $2 to the Tragedy Assistance Program For Survivors (TAPS). TAPS is a one-of-a-kind, non-profit Veteran Service Organization offering hope, healing comfort, and care to the thousands of American armed forces families who face the death of a loved one each year.
    On a personal note, there was nothing better when i was on deployment, than to pull into our first port call, and have a couple of magazines waiting in the mail for me.

    It seems minor, but having that connection back to home, well, it makes a HUGE difference.

    Who wants the email, so we can help some soldiers and sailors who are oversees away from their 4x4s and families.


  2. #2
    Thank you from BT ULTRA TECH MASTER!!!
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Central City, Colorado
    By all menas.. you guys.. do support this. I did it through JP magazine..
    "A man's got to know his limitation's"

    Dirty Harry.

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