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Thread: Dodge NP 208

  1. #1

    Dodge NP 208

    Has anyone seen or swapped one of thes into a jeep? did it work? did it last?


    Funny noise? Turn the radio up.

  2. #2
    I have put a chrysler 360, 727 and 208 into a scrambler. Works well, however it makes for a looong package. Not suitable for shorter jeeps, especially with much lift. Jeep also used a version of the 208 in FS wagoneers and trucks behind manual and auto transmissions. It bolts to the same adapter as the 228/229 family. Good part of the 208 is light weight, reasonably strong, low low range, can be redrilled to index, can be converted to C-V in rear. Bad side, no twin stick, long assembily.

  3. #3
    would it be better with a NP435 as far as length goes?

    Funny noise? Turn the radio up.

  4. #4
    Yes, it would be shorter, as would a T18 or 19, or 176/177 shorter still. If you want the auto, you can use the Torqueflight or a TH400 with a Dana 20 or 300 with adequite room, 300 has about same low ratio as 208, can be twin sticked, not much heavier, can be indexed. Not as strong as 208, however with proper axle gearing, is usually sufficient.

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